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  1. I ran some new tests for display:flex support in HTML emails. And turns out Yahoo/AOL now support it (but not display:inline-flex). This is very good because it means display:flex, with its default values, is very reliable now. #emailgeeks
    1. …in reply to @HTeuMeuLeu
      I'm using display:flex for an email template I'm working on. So far I got two great use cases that could hardly be done otherwise: - Two <div> columns of the same height (allowing the link to always be at the bottom) - Evenly spaced texts with exactly the same space between
      1. …in reply to @HTeuMeuLeu
        Both those examples only rely on display:flex and other well supported properties (like height or margin). No need for justify-content or align-items (which unfortunately are still not as well supported).