HTeuMeuLeu’s avatarHTeuMeuLeu’s Twitter Archive—№ 21,054

    1. I must say I'm pleasantly surprised with's HTML emails support. They use an <iframe> to embed emails, a safe list for HTML tags and attributes (no form or input), and close to nothing for CSS (so yes, pretty much every style ever is supported). #emailgeeks
  1. …in reply to @HTeuMeuLeu
    My biggest complaint is the lack of support for role and other ARIA attributes. Email developers use <table>s to cope with Outlook's rendering engine. So we rely on these attributes to make HTML emails more accessible.
    1. …in reply to @HTeuMeuLeu
      A small quirk I found is if you use a <blockquote> element, it will automatically wrap itself inside a <details> element. (And thus only visible when toggle on the blue arrow icon.)
      1. …in reply to @HTeuMeuLeu
        Another quirk is that font-size values are changed. For example, font-size:32px; becomes font-size:calc(32px / var(--scale-factor)). Unfortunately this also applies to keywords, so font-size:inherit; becomes font-size:calc(inherit / var(--scale-factor)), making it dull.